Here i show u how to resume capability of idm from NO to YES
So how does one change the resume capability of IDM from NO to YES? I am going to share a little secret I discovered the other day while I was downloading a file with a resume capability NO.
How to change resume capability from NO to YES in IDM
Imagine you were downloading a large file of say 820MB with a resume capability NO and suddenly the download fails after you have downloaded over 800MB, I have had cases where the download failed at 99%. Trying to resume the download will definitely prove futile since the resume capability is at NO. So you may have to start all over again except you have read this tutorial and apply the tricks I am about to share with you here so you can change the resume capability from NO to YES in IDM.

When you start a download and notice that the resume capability is NO, simply stop the download and do the following to change the resume capability from NO to YES.
Right-click on the file you want to down on your IDM and select “Properties” from the list, look at the address to see if it ends in “?start=0”, this is the code that is preventing you from resuming your downloads.

Erase it and resume your download and you will see that the resume capability has been changed from NO to YES.
So let’s say your download link was ….Rick_Ross_Ft_Wale_Meek_Mill_-_Bag_Of_Money_-_DOPEHOOD_COM(fans_ge).mp3?start=0

right click and click on properties

  Delete the ?start=0 and be left with

How to change resume capability from NO to YES in Internet Download Manager
Then OK it and resume your download with a YES resume capability.