Best Practices for Using Laptop's Battery

However superior anything maybe, if it is abused; it might not withstand as much pressure as we think it might withstand. On this page, we would discuss the best practices for using your laptops' battery and hopefully get the best usage results.

Either that you have superior or medium ranged laptop battery, following these experimented best usage tips would help get the best usage result from the battery regardless of its make or brand.

Best Usage Practices for Latptops' Battery

1- Develop A Good Charging Habit:
Of course every individual that owns laptop(s) charges his/her laptop(s), however, the charging habit might not be a good one.
Good Charging Habits are when;
1- You charge the laptop's battery when it goes below 30%.
2- You unplug the charger from the laptop when the charging is complete.
3- You desist from using the laptop (for too long) while it's still charging.
4- You do not charge the laptop's battery with unstable power suply.
5- You do not charge the laptop's battery with high current etc.
2- Always Use Optimal Contrast:
The brighter your PC displays, the more power it consumes and that will always tell on the battery. If you wish to elongate the duration for which the battery lasts per a session (a 100% charge), you should set your PC contrast to an average.

3- Updated Video And Graphics Controllers/Drivers Minimizes Battery Consumption:
Ensure that you do always update your video/graphics controllers/drivers to the latest available. Later video/graphics controllers/drivers are known to be very efficient and consumes much lesser current.

4- Use ONLY Recommended Chargers:
As much as you can, use ONLY recommended chargers for charging your laptops. In most cases, the use of unlicensed chargers do not evidently affect the laptop, but in the long run; it does affects the laptop's battery.

Use "SLEEP" or "Shortdown", Do Not Hibernate
The "SLEEP" and "Hibernate" features of the Windows, starting from the Windows Vista are similar but not identical. For the battery's sake, use the "SLEEP" feature instead of the "Hibernate" feature otherwise, shut-down the PC.

Stick to these "Best Usage Practices" for using laptop's battery and you shall get better usage results from your laptop battery.