Whatsapp for Java Phone: Problems And Solutions

Following the recent updates made on the Whatsapp for Java phones by ArykTECH, I received some responses in my mailbox and as comments that some of the intended Java phones do have one problem or another while updating the Whatsapp favourites and to this; I have decided to provide solutions to the problems.

In order to accurately test the Whatsapp for Java phones, I procured some of the Java phones like C2, 2700 and others, installed Whatsapp on them and then; tested it. Below are the likely problems you might face while installing Whatsapp on unsupported Java phone and possible solutions.

Java Phones Whatsapp Possible Problems And Solutions

1- Update Enabler: the first problem you might encounter almost immediately you installed the Whatsapp on your unsupported s40 Java phones is the Update Enabler, this simply helps you get instant chat and updates from your people willing to chat with you.
There is presently no known solution to this. You can just ignore it and restart your Whatsapp thu; you can only receive chats and messages only when you are online.
2- Favourite Update Problem: it is more common and frequent to have problems updating Whatsapp favourites on unsupported Java phones than any other. Sometimes, Whatsapp updates the favourites endlessly and sometimes, it hangs along the line. Whichever the problem is, for as long as it is with the favourite update, below is the solution.
Because Whatsapp consumes more application memory of the phone ordinarily, it is more difficult to load lots of favourite along the way. To solve the problem, simply backup your contacts using Nokia PC Suite the, delete all the contacts on the phone and lunch Whatsapp. Once it lunches for the first time, you can then add up your contacts momentarily.
3- The Unable to Start Problem: in some cases, Whatsapp displays "unable to start" message, if this happens; below are your solutions.
1- A corrupt SD Card might caused the problem, simply move the Whatsapp to your phone under Games or Applications folder.
2- Lots of other applications might be consuming the application memory available for Whatsapp, simply delete some of the or better still; flash the phone.
Download Whatsapp On your Java Phones
Follow this Guide here or This Guide on your PC.
These are the few problems I observed on the Whatsapp for unsupported Java phones and the solution(s) are given for each.

If you encounter any problem other than those discussed or, you simply want other helps, kindly drop your comments and opinions using the comment box below.