Android Radio And RIL: Brief Details

An android device's Radio is one of the most important components making up the android system, OS. However, when we talk about the android radio, we should talk about the android device Radio Layer Interface as well, RIL for short.

From your android device's GSM/GPRS service, WiFi down to the Bluetooth are being controlled by the device's radio while the Radio Layer Interface, RIL for short, is a layer in an operating system which provides an interface to the hardware's radio.

In android, a good Radio and RIL match would help your device get the best services reception possible and can also help improve your device's battery life circle.

When you notice that your android device's service/signal reception is poor or not working as expected, you might consider flashing a better Radio.img file of your particular phone or look for a preferablly matching RIL file for that particular Radio.img currently on the phone and flash it.

To know the actual version of your device's radio, go to Menu <<>> Settings <<>> About.
You should notice a line of code named "Baseband Version -that is your android device's radio version. You can just write the code down for references or, simply do a Google Search for that code to bring a list of radio.img files for that version.

Nevertheless, you may not be able to flash a new radio on your android device except that you have unlocked the device's boot loader.

Pro Tip:It is not a good practise nor is it advisable to flash a new radio.img file on your android device except that it is strongly needed.

Flashing a corrupt radio file may render your android phone completely useless while a wrong RIL file may break your android device.

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