Fix Windows 8 Screensaver/Wallpaper Issues

Sometimes, you might have difficulties enabling or changing the Screen savers and or wallpapers on your Windows 8 PC even if your Windows 8 is activated. Wondering what the problem might be?

Here, we discuss how to correct the problem and solve the issue of your inability to change or enable screensavers and or wallpapers on your Windows 8 PC once and for all.

Causes of the Problem

Actually, you might not be able to change or modify your Windows 8 screensaver or wallpaper if the Windows 8 is not activated, this is because some rights may have been denied.

If your Windows 8 is activated and yet, you are unable to modify or change either the wallpaper or screensaver, then your Windows 8 is probably not well configured during the activation.


The only known solution still remains the same. Just find another Windows 8 PC activator that can properly configure the PC.

A Google Search for Windows 8 activator can bring you a number of useful results.

Unlike the Windows 7 activator whose download link could be found here, I could not upload the Windows 8 activator. However, the Windows 8 activator is available for sale in the Aryk Enterprise premium software store (Contact Aryk here to purchase).

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