How to Reset Forgotten HTC Pattern Security Lock

htc pattern lock

Since pattern drawing is a little more complicated security and privacy messure for mobile phone users, most smartphone users tend to use it more and so, many forget there pattern so easily. And if you are the true owner of the phone, without the correct pattern been drawn on the phone, you can't access the phone.

In case you forget the correct pattern of your Android phone, here is a simple step by step process to reset the pattern lock of your Android phone and gain back your full access into the phone.

Step By Step Process to Reset Android HTC Pattern

Since the pattern drawing comes first whenever your HTC Android phone locks or just been put on, there is no other way to access the phone except that you reset the phone itself. Once the phone is reset, the phone would be brought back to its original factory state and no pattern drawing would be required to access the phone.


How to Reset the HTC Android Phone

To reset your HTC Android phone whenever you can't access the phone as a result of a forgotten security code or pattern drawing, just do the following;

1- Switch off the phone by pressing and holding the power button
2- Now, press and and hold the power button and the down-volume button together (Power-on+Down-volume buttons)
3- On the next screen that shows up, you will see about four (4) options, choose 'Factory Set" or "Reset". You can use the Volume-Up or Volume-Down button to navigate to either down or up.
4- The factory set begins immediately on confirmation and when the whole process completes, the phone boots up again without the pattern lock or security code again.

Bit tips:
This method of resetting pattern lock works with all HTC Android phones and with some Samsung and Tecno Android phones.

If you have any questions to ask, opinions to tender or other alternative solutions to pattern lock on Android phones, kindly use the comment box below.

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