An Update to Aryk IM Messenger, Whatsapp For Java Phones

First, we apologise for our inability to responding to a lot of comments and messages we have received either in our mailbox or to the ArykIM page itself -that was for some reasons best kept though.

Well, now, we present you with the litest ArykIM so far though, this works with only Nokia java phones with the exception of some Samsung and LG phones.

Just In Case, What is ArykIM?

ArykIM is a version of Whatsapp Messenger packaged and repacked for any Java phone or GPRS and browsing eneabled phones. So, if you have one such phone, you better download it and enjoy Whatsapp on your phone!

Except that your phone may not support the feature, this edition of ArykIM automatically syncs with Whatsapp so, no need for the usual updates that ceases Whatsapp from working on your phone until you update it again.

All you have to do now is to visit the ArykIM page here for the download and the instructions on how to get the Whatsapp up and running on your phone.

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