How to remove privacy guard, easy tool, monkey test and time service malware from an MTK (Mediatek) Android phone

how to remove android monkey test time service malware virusPhoto credits: tO,
19 Google +2 1 0Quite a number of fans have complained about encountering this issue either on other peoples MTK Android phones or theirs so we’ll be discussing these malware, how they affect your Android phone and how to permanently remove them. How did I get infected? In my previous article on removing Malware from an Android phone, I discussed some methods by which malware infect your Android phone. The easiest point of entry for an Android phone is the application(s) you install. Considering how popular the Android platform is and how many Android apps there are, its not hard to imagine why hackers would exploit this. The most potent carriers of malware are cracked / nulled apps (using malware crypters and binders). Are they harmful to my Android phone? If you’ve ever experienced these apps then you would know that they not only auto-update but also install unsolicited applications on your phone (using up your data plan). Adware are just a few steps away from harvesting your personal information so why wouldn’t they go all the way? Why wont uninstalling / factory resetting remove them? Uninstalling them under Settings >Apps or doing a factory reset would have been effective if only these apps were fully installed in the /data partition. After uninstalling, all you need to do is reboot your phone and they’re back again like nothing happened. How then do I remove privacy guard, easy tool, monkey test and time service from my phone? Sponsored Links
Consider the following methods: 1. Locate the apks under /system, /vendor or anywhere they’re installed to and delete them  for the Bloatware removal techniques ). The phone needs to be rooted in order to use this method to know more about rooting an Android phone) 2. Install a good antivirus like 360 security @ and scan the phone 3. Use the custom recovery backup and restore method:
  • Get a working phone of the same model (without the malware issue)
  • Flash a custom recovery to both phone
  •  And backup the working phone in recovery mode
  • Copy the backup folder from the SD card of the working phone to the SD card of the malware infected phone (ensure to maintain the folder structure)
  • Boot the malware infected phone into recovery mode and format System under Mounts & Storage
  • Return to the main menu and restore the backup of the working phone under Backup & Restore > Restore
4. Format then flash using SP Flash Tool
  • Get a clean working phone of the same model and back it up (you’ll then have a stock / MTK backup)
  • Format then flash the malware infected phone using SP Flash Tool and the stock MTK backup obtained from the step above