How to Download the New 2go v3.5.7 Version

New 2go version downloadWith the introduction of the new 2go v3.5.7 mobile chat application, many 2go users have had or have being having tough times to download or register with 2go using this new version. This may have being an issue because many 2go users are not used to the new system. Within this article, you shall be familiar with most of the new 2go v3.5.7 procedures.

How to Download the New 2go v3.5.7

If you have visited any of the 2go websites recently, you may have noticed that the website directs or prompts you to download the 2go chat application straight away without much other illustrations or introductions.
Just click on the download link to download the 2go chat application. Once the download is complete, proceed to install the 2go v3.5.7 chat application on your mobile phone until the phone says "Installation Successful".

How to Register A New 2go Account Using 2go v3.5.7

Now, once the installation of the 2go v3.5.7 is complete on your phone, you can now proceed to register an account with 2go.

To register a new account with 2go, simply navigate to the folder where the 2go chat app is installed on your phone and run (Lunch) the application by clicking on the 2go icon.
When the application opens, if it is the first time you are opening the application, it prompts you to select your country. Select your country from the list and on the field that appears next; simply enter a new mobile phone number which you know is not yet registered with 2go.
The next page opens a form-fields for you to fill up. Fill up the fields with your details as you wish, then click "Submit".

How to Recover your 2go Password Using 2go v3.5.7

To recover your 2go password regardless of the version of the 2go chat application you are using, simply insert the SIM card with which you have registered your 2go account into a phone then type "2go password" in a text message and send it to "32358"

Thirty Nair ( N30 ) would be deducted from the SIM, so, make sure you have that much in your account balance otherwise, recharge your account before you proceed.

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