Tutorial - Como visualizar ícones de APK's no Windows

É comum com quem faz muitos downloads por aí e guarde tudo no PC, esse é o meu caso, eu tenho uma pasta cheia de APK's guardados, o ruim é que as vezes eu esqueço qual é qual, nem sempre sou tão organizado de nomear tudo certinho.

Ideal para todas as pessoas que fazem muito download de aplicativos e games todos os dias. ótimo para especialistas do eu sou android e outros blogs deixando-o bem organizado.

Imagens do meu PC

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic


1- Baixe e extraia em alguma pasta o “apkshellext v2.1”
2- Depois de extrair tudo na pasta escolhida
3- Selecione com o botão direito do mouse “install” e execulte como “ADMINISTRADOR”
4- Aguarde o promp de comando dar exeto e pressione qualquer tecla
5- reinicie o PC e veja seus arquivos APK são modificados

Funciona no Windows 7, xp, vista versões x86 e x64



Tutorial - Aumentando a Velocidade do 3G


Tutorial já um pouco antigo mas com renovação, então obtenha o máximo do seu 3G que vive caindo igual neymar em jogo decisivo.

O padrão 3G é a terceira geração de padrões e tecnologias de telefonia móvel, substituindo o 2G. As tecnologias 3G permitem às operadoras da rede oferecerem a seus usuários uma ampla gama dos mais avançados serviços, já que possuem uma capacidade de rede maior por causa de uma melhora na eficiência espectral.





1- Celular com Android 100% ROOTEADO

2- Root Explorer <------------ Download Final do Post

3- Ter Cabeça.








1- Abra o Root Explorer

2- Na parte superior da tela, Click em Mount R/W ficando em Mount R/O (como mostra figura abaixo)

3- Agora Navegue até a pasta System

4- Procure por um arquivo chamado ‘Build.prop’ e precione em cima dele até aparecer um Menu de Opções e confirme em >’Open in text editor’

5- Feito isso, irá ficar assim todas as linhas de comando


6-Com o Build.prop ainda aberto, adicione as seguintes linhas no final do arquivo


###### Net 3G Speed !!
# End!




Depois de ter feito esse parte agora para obter melhor sinal e mas cobertura. Ultilize o “Set DNS” um dos melhores aplicativos para exercer tal função.




Confira o Tutorial feito pela nossa equipe








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Root Explorer

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TweakZV7.zip Atualizado e Testado

O novo TweakZV7 agora está disponível pra a galera que deseja obter o máximo do android. agora muito mais potente, o TweakZV7 limpa o celular de arquivos inúteis e aumentando desempenho da bateria e agora com muitas funções.

O post feito por minha autoria testado no meu próprio aparelho, e sim funcionou perfeitamente sem erros ou bugs conhecidos.  funciona tanto em roms Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean como TweakZV6 este novo não foi testado em roms stock.

Algumas explicações do post anterior feito pelo Jonny Panes sobre TweakZV6:

TweakZV6 é um arquivo que contém diversos scripts, para diversas melhorias no seu celular.
Para ser mais especifico, são scripts baseados na linguagem de programação C++, esses scripts vão para a pasta \system\etc\init.d, lá, eles são executados automaticamente pelo sistema, fazendo assim, seu celular ter diversas melhorias, como:
*Mais Performance
*Bateria com maior duração
*Mais memória RAM
*Maior potência em roms com Zipalign
*Limpeza automática de dados “lixo” do sistema
*Melhorias no TouchScreen
*Melhorias na velocidade do 3G
*Diversos truques de Build.prop linkados aos scripts

Pois bem, com essas funções já sabemos do que se trata o novo TweakZV7 possue melhorias tais como:

*perfomance do celular (GPU) (Aumentada)
*Maior a velocidade de execução de aplicativos
*Aumenta a duração da Bateria
*Melhora a velocidade de execução de vídeos em Stream(Youtube, Netflix, etc)
*Melhora a velocidade do 3G
*Melhoramento da camera
*Limpeza do celular
*Melhora o sinal do wifi
*Memória RAM aumentada
*TouchScreen mas suave
*Melhor qualidade de voz nas ligações
*Melhor velocidade de rolagem de tela
E outras funções de scripts relacionados.

Modo De Instalação:


1- coloque o arquivo .zip em seu SDCard
2- Reinicie seu celular em modo recovery
3- vá para “Install zip from sdcard” sem aspas
4- selecione “choose zip from sdcard” sem aspas
5- Selecione o arquivo do “TweakZV7.zip” sem aspas
6- Terminado a instalação, reinicie o celular como de costume.


DICAS - Códigos Secretos Android para a série Galaxy da Samsung

Abaixo estão os códigos secretos para a série Galaxy da Samsung, que podem ser utilizados para diversas finalidades, 
Como testar o LCD  do telefone, sensores, verificar firmware ou hardware, versões e muitos mais. 
Nota para o ICS: Não tente os códigos destacados em vermelho até que você saiba realmente o que vai fazer.

Mais importantes
1. *#1234# - Ver versão software PDA da CSC, MODEM
2. *#0*# - Modo Teste Geral / Teste LCD
3. *#9090# - Configuração de
4. *#7780# - Factory Reset
5. *27673855# - Factory Reset completo
6. * #7353 # - Abre o Menu Teste Rápido
7. * # 7465625# - Exibir Status de bloqueio do telefone

Outros códigos

1. *#12580369# (Informações de SW e HW) - Não funciona na Galaxy S3
2. *#197328640# (Modo de Serviço)
3. *#0228# (Status da bateria)
4. *#32489# (Info criptografia) - Não funciona noGalaxy S3
5. *#232337# (Endereço
Bluetooth) - Não funciona no Galaxy S3
6. *#232331# - (Modo teste Bluetooth) - Não
funciona em Galaxy S3
7. *#232338# (Endereço WLAN, MAC)
8. *#232339# (Modo de teste WLAN)
9. *#0842# (Modo de Teste Vibração)
10. *#0782# (Teste do Relógio em Tempo Real)
11. *#0673# (Modo de teste de áudio) - Não funciona em Galaxy S3
12. *#2263# (RF Seleção
Banda) - Não funciona em Galaxy S3
13. *#9090# (Configuração de diagnóstico)
14. *#7284# (USB Mode Control I2C) 15. *#4238378# (GCF Configuração) 16. *#0283# (Controle de auto-retorno de áudio)
17. *#3214789650# (Modo de teste LBS)
18. *#745# (Menu Dump RIL)
19. *#746# (Menu despejo de depuração)
20. *#9900# (Modo Dump Sistema) 21. *#44336# (Info Versão Sofware) 22. *#​​0289# (Modo de Teste Melody) - Não funciona no Galaxy S3 23. *#2663# (TSP/TSK atualização de firmware)
24. *#03# (NAND Flash S/N) - Não funciona no Galaxy S3
25. *#0589# (Modo Teste Sensor de Luz) - Não funciona em Galaxy S3
26. *#0588# (Modo Teste proximidade sensor)
27. *#2732832553282*# (Data de criação Menu)
28. *#273283255663282*# (Data criação cartão SD)
29. *#3282727336*# (Estado/Tempo de uso)
30. *#7594# (Remap Shutdown para terminar a chamada TSK)
31. *#34971539# (Atualizar firmware câmera)
32. *#526# (Modo de Engenharia WLAN)
33. *#528# (Modo de Engenharia WLAN)
34. *#7412365# (Menu Câmera Firmware)
35. *#3214789# (Status do Modo GCF)
36. *#272886# (Seleção Resposta Automática)
37. *#8736364# (Atualização do menu OTA)
38. *#301279# (Menu de controle HSDPA/HSUPA)
39. *#7353# (Menu Quick Test)
40. *27674387264636# (Vista Sellout SMS/CODE)
41. *7465625638*# (Configurar Bloqueio da Rede MCC/MNC)
42. #7465625638*# (Inserir Bloqueio da
Rede Keycode)
43. *7465625782*# (Configurar Bloqueio da Rede NSP)
44. #7465625782*# (Inserir Bloqueio parcial da
Rede Keycode)
45. *746562577*# (Inserir Bloqueio da Rede Keycode SP)
46. #746562577*# (Operador Inserir Bloqueio Keycode)
47. *746562527*# (Inserir
Bloqueio da Rede Keycode NSP/CP) 48. #746562527*# (Inserir Keycode provedor de

49. *#272imei#* Código do

Se algum código mencionado não funcionar no seu aparelho Samsung Galaxy, sinta-se livre para comentar o código e o nome do dispositivo para que possamos fazer as alterações na lista.

Apesar de funcionar em todos os dispositivos da linha, aqui vai uma breve lista deles:
1. Samsung Galaxy S, S2, S3, S Advance, S plus, SL,
SII Skyrocket
2. Samsung Galaxy Ace, Ace Plus, Ace 2, Ace duos
3. Samsung Galaxy Y, Y Pro, Y duos
4. Samsung Galaxy Note
5. Samsung Galaxy Nexus
6. Samsung Galaxy Mini, mini 2
7. Samsung Galaxy W
8. Samsung Galaxy Fit
9. Samsung Galaxy Gio
10. Samsung Galaxy Beam
11. Samsung Galaxy 5
12. Samsung Galaxy 3
13. Samsung Galaxy Xcover
14. Samsung Galaxy Player
15. Samsung Galaxy Appeal
16. Samsung Galaxy Proclaim
17. Samsung Galaxy Pop, pop plus
18. Samsung Galaxy Spika

BBM, Blackberry Messenger Now On Android And iOS

Wao! This is a good news to all Blackberry Messenger (BBM) fans especially; those that could not use Blackberry smartphone for one reason or another. Blackberry Messenger (BBM) would be made available to two other mobile platforms; iOS and Android.
BBM android ios web

"If you’re already a fan of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), we’ve got some exciting news designed to make it easier for you to connect with your entire mobile social network. BlackBerry plans to make BBM, our wildly popular mobile messaging service, available for the first time to iOS® and Android™ users this summer..." -as could be read from BlackBerry Official Blog

For the past few years now, Blackberry Messenger (BBM) has being setting the pace in the Instant Messaging (IM) service; a service that is fast becoming the most wanted in mobile communication.

The Multi-Platform Blackberry Messenger (BBM) that is expected to be realeased is expected to further stretch the real-time connection and interaction beyond Blackberry Users alone; it will feature both iOS and Android users as well.
"...Multi-person chats, Voice note sharing, BlackBerry Groups, where BBM users are able to set up groups of up to 30 people and share calendar, photos, files and more . The team here at BlackBerry has definitely been working hard to bring the much- adored BBM experience to a wider group of mobile users." -BlackBerry Blog

Of course, as evident from its experience, whilest still giving a high level personal privacy and excellent satisfaction, BBM is fast becoming the most engaging services for Blackberry users.

BBM Quick Facts As Gathered from the BlackBerry Official Blog:

1- More than 60 million monthly active users
2- More than 51 million daily active users who connects with friends or colleagues on an average of one and a half hours every day.
3- BBM users send and receive more than 10 billion messages each day. Almost half of BBM messages are read within 20 seconds of being received; indicating the level of its engagment.

Well, I am sure more than an average of the smartphone users that uses various Instant Messaging (IM) app have being expecting to have Blackberry Messenger included in their lists.
So, how happy are you about this news? Will you be among the first users of BlackBerry Messenger on their Android or iOS powered smartphones?

Share your opinions with us and spread the news as it goes using the comment box below!

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Tutorial - Como assistir tv online em qualquer Android


Esse tutorial serve para todos aqueles que possuem aparelhos fracos ou potentes.

Tuorial dois em um para pessoas que tem aparelho com suporte flash ou até para aqueles que não tem aparelhos com flash ou mesmo não são tão potente.



  • Você deverá ter um navegador com suporte a flash
  • com o navegador aberto vá no google e digite "index of /canais" sem aspas.
  • escolha um site e abra o canal que você quer assistir.



  • Tenha instalado o Skyfire
  • acesse o site http://www.assistirtvgratisonline.tv/ (recomendo esse mais existem outros) ou index of /canais no google
  • Já o Skyfire ele abre vários formatos de videos da internet sem necessidade do flash (eu particulamente assisto váriso canais por ele)

Tutorial - Aumente a memória RAM de qualquer Android


Simples tutorial que funciona em todos os aparelhos, algumas pessoas já conhecem outras não por isso para reforçar.

Quem tem necessidade de rodar vários aplicativos ou rodar um jogo pesado que necessite de muita memória RAM
e tudo parar ou fechar.
Com esse tutorial você poderá aumentar a memória do seu celular em até 2x da normal.


Requesitos Mínimos:

  • Ter um aparelho android
  • Celular com root e busybox v1.18 ou +
  • Ter um cartão classe 4 no mínimo (classe  6 ou classe 10 melhores)
  • Ter mais de 1 GB de espaço livre no SD
  • Depuração USB ativa



  • Baixe e instale o Swapper 2, logo enseguida de permissão de root

  • Agora com o aplicativo instalado Aperte o botão de menu do celular e vá em Settings

  • Desative a opção Run  swapper at startup

  • Selecione Swap size e escolha quanto de memória desejada (Varia do seu cartão de classe a capacidade 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB)

  • Selecione ON para ativar o swapper e aguarde (demora um pouco)

  • Se caso queira retirar o swapper e só aperta OFF



Download Swapper Mega


Download Swapper ZippyShare


Download Swapper PlayStore

iPad APN Settings: How to Modify iPad Settings for Unlimited Browsing

Going by the high demand for information and communication gadgets and devices in today's world, the demand for portable yet suphisticated and up-to-the-task gadgets and devices now becomes incredibly vivid. And, iPad for one, cannot be left out in this thought.

And as a result of its high data consumption when it is being used for browsing the internet, you might need to change your data plan or switch your (ISP) service provider from time to time, looking for a more cheaper and affordable yet reliable service provider for your iPad browsing experience.
Meanwhile, within this article, you will learn how to modify or change your internet (APN) settings on your iPad in case you ever change from one 3G service provider to another.
iPad Settings

How to Modify or Change your iPad APN Settings

Changing your iPad APN Setting is as simple as navigating through the iPad itself. You only need to know the correct APN Settings' parameters for the particular 3G service provider you intend to use at a particular point in time.

To modify the APN Settings of your iPad go to;

Navigate to the Menu <<>> Settings Icon <<>> Cellular Data or Mobile Data <<>> APN Settings

Now, save and exit the page by pressing the home button on the iPad.

If the parameters for the new APN Settings you have just created are correct, you should be able to begin surfing the internet using the new APN on the iPad in few minutes.

A +Benefit You Gain For Reading this Article

You may have found the browsing experience and cost of your iPad tablet so expensive, here is a cheaper browsing tweak for iPad users using MTN Network as their service provider.

How to Do it
1- Subscribe to Blackberry BIS on your MTN Line by sending "BBC" to "21600" from your MTN line using any phone. It now costs N1000 (previously, N1500).
2- When setting up or modifying your iPad Tablet APN Settings, use blackberry.net as your username, password and APN i.e on the APN Settings fields of your iPad, put;
APN: blackberry.net
Username: blackberry.net
Password: blackberry.net

And save the settings as instructed above. Now, you can browse on your iPad for the rest of the month with just N1000! It works on laptops, too!

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How to Retrieve "Welcome Back" your Etisalat SIM Easily: Lost, Damaged or Stolen

Retrieving Etisalat SIM is now as safe and easy as walking up to your car, enter it and start the engine then; drive on. For as long as you have your car key with you; is that easy!

In case you have an Etislat SIM that you have lost or damaged and you wish to do a "Welcome Back" of that etisalat SIM, within this article, you will learn how to easily retrieve your stolen, lost or damaged Etislat SIM at the comfort of your own house or at your office desk. Whichever suits you!
Etisalat sim swap

How to Retrieve Or Welcome Back your Etisalat SIM

Well, since the internet is fast becoming a global village now, all you need to do is to buy a new Etisalat SIM card and visit the Etisalat SIM Swap page here.
Please note that the new Etisalat SIM you bought must not be inserted onto any phone until the retrieval "Welcome Back" process is completed"

On getting to the page, you will be presented with a form to fill out. This form requests for all the info that may prove you as being the true owner of the damaged, stolen or lost Etisalat SIM you wish to retrieve.

Below are the list of the info you will be required to supply in the form before the retrieval "Welcome Back" of your stolen, damaged or lost Etisalat SIM card could be completed.

1- Full Name
2- Email Address
3- Alternate Mobile Number
4- Phone Number of the Lost/Damaged/Stolen SIM Card
5- PUK Number of the Stolen/Lost/Damaged SIM card
6- Last Recharge Amount
7- Your Date of Birth (As registered with the SIM)
8- Three (3) frequently called phone numbers on the old SIM
9- Your FULL Address (As provided during registration)
10- Your EasyStarter U&Me phone number (If any)
11- The package of your damaged/lost/stolen SIM (EasyStarter or EasyClick)
12- The details on the new Etisalat SIM you wish to use for the swapping process (Phone number and Serial Number)

Once you have carefully filled out the form, just click on the "Submit" button and PRONTO! Your lost/damaged/stolen SIM would be retrieved for you then; you can welcome it!

In case you have any difficulties or problems during or within the retrieval "Welcome Back" of your stolen/damaged/lost Etisalat SIM card, you may send a text message of your request to 0807 788 8311 and we would be glad to help!

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How to Use your Blackberry Phone As A Modem Using Blackberry Desktop Manager

Recently, we have discussed how to connect your PC (Laptop or Desktop) computers to the internet via Nokia PC Suit using any of your compatible Nokia phones. Here, we will be discussing how to connect your computer (Laptop or Desktop) to the internet using your Blackberry smartphone via Blackberry Desktop Manager.

And best of all, you will be using your BIS subscription to browse on your computer unless otherwise, you decide to browse using your data bundle or that, your network provider is not supported; not featured in the preloaded settings of the Blackberry Desktop Manager.
Even so, as most Nigeria networks are yet to be included in the Blackberry Desktop Manager preloaded settings, you will be provided with Blackberry BIS settings for the major Nigeria network providers.

Setting Up Blackberry Desktop Manager As Modem Client

Before you could be able to use your Blackberry smartphone as a modem, you need to have Blackberry Desktop Mnager installed on your PC (Laptop or Desktop) so that it may serve as a client that connects your Blackberry smartphone to your PC and your PC to the internet.

To download Blackberry Desktop Manager Click: Blackberry Desktop Manager 7.1 Download Link: 4Share Link
Please note that you have to sign up with 4Share or Login (if you already have an account with 4Share) to make the download easier

Requirments for the Connection (For Phone And PC)

Before the connection between your Blackberry smartphone and your PC could be possible, you need to have the following materials ready:

1- Your computer must be running on at least, windows XP SP3 and above i.e XP Service Pack 3, vista, 7 or 8.
2- You must have a working and compatible USB Cable for your Blackberry smartphone.
3- To maximise your browsing potential, you need to subscribe for a BIS plan with your service provider.

Setting Up your Blackberry Smartphone As A Modem

To set up your Blackberry smartphone as a modem and connect your computer to the internet using your phone, you will first;
1- Lunch the Blackberry Desktop Manager (if you have installed it on your computer) by double clicking on its icon.
2- Plug-in a USB Cable that is compatible with your Blackberry smartphone to your computer and then; the other end of the USB cable to your Blackberry smartphone.
3- Wait some minutes for the Blackberry Desktop Manager to detect and recognise your Blackberry smartphone. Once ready, brief info about your Blackberry device would be displayed on the screen as in the image below
4- Click the "Mobile Internet" tab as in the image below.

Blackberry Internet

5- If it's your first time of using the Blackberry Internet, on the screen that displays next, click "Configure Connection"
6- Click on the drop-down list that appears next, to check for your network provider and if not found, click on "Add" as in the image below:

Blackberry APN Settings
7- Fill-in the empty spaces appropriately (the APN, Username and Password) of your network provider then; Click "OK".

8- Finally, Click "Save" then; "OK" to save the settings and connect to the internet.
9- A pop box that say "Additional Charges May Apply" may appear. Just ignore the message and click "Connect" as in the image below:

Blackberry Desktop Connect
Now, you can begin surfing the internet using your BIS subscription on your PC. Enjoy!
In case you have any questions to ask, comments to make or opinions to share, you can use the comment box below.

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How to Correct Different Phoenix Service Software Error Messages

In one of our earlier posts on Aryk Enterprise, we discussed how to flash, update or correct errors on your Nokia phones using Phoenix Service Software.

In this article, we will discuss how to correct the error message "Error Retrieving Data Package ....." Phoenix Service Software brings sometimes when you are flashing or updating your Nokia phone using the software.

Correcting "Error Retrieving Data Package..." Message of Phoenix Service Software

If you are familier with phoenix service software and you know how to use the software to flash or update your Nokia phone, you should know that you need to download the flash files for the particular phone you wish to flash or update from Nokia FiRe (File Repository) server first.

Once downloaded, depending on your Windows OS thus; 7, XP3 or 2, you have to save your downloaded flash files under a folder named after the RM of the phone you intend to flash. E.g if you intend to flash Nokia 5130 express music, the flash file you download should be under this folder:
C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix \Products\RM-495 -if you are using Windows XP2 or 3 .

Commonly, there are six major files required to complete the flashing or the upgrading operation of the phone say, 5130 express music. And those files are:

Now, when a flashing operation is initiated, phoenix tries to check the folder ( C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix \Products\RM-495 -if you are using Windows XP2 or 3). for the files above and if any of them could not be read, that's when phoenix brings the error message "Error Retrieving Data Package..." or "Currently Selected Data Package Retrieving Failed..."

To correct this kind of problem, simply navigate to the folder say; ( C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix \Products\RM-495 -if you are using Windows XP2 or 3 . ) for Nokia 5130 express music, and make sure that all the files above are present and that their names start with rm495.... as in the image below:

Nokia Flash Files Disorder


The simplest way to correct any of these error messages is to study the warning message that phoenix displays and go straight to the RM folder of the phone you are flashing to correct the flash files' order and names.

E.g if phoenix displays the error message as in the image below:

phoenix data package error
Just go to the folder, locate the files and rename them as phoenix displays it or edit them as the error message warns.
By renaming the flash files, remove all the digits that come before the "RM495..." if any, as in the red ink in the image below

Goodluck and ENJOY!

In case you have any questions, comments or opinions to share, please, use the comment box below this page.

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Glo HSI Router: How to And Detailed Info

Following the day by day advancements in the IT World, new gadgets and devices are being introduced to further enhancing our lives and experiences of the InfoTech. And so comes the HSI Reuters!

The Glo HSI Router enables you to share your Glo High Speed Internet access with more than one laptop/PC. Or, to be particular, the Glo HSI Reuter enables you share your internet access between up to 100 laptops and internet enabled devices.

Unlike any modem, multiple users can share a single internet subscription using a single Glo HSI ROUTER with an incredibly fast speed simultenuosly.
Glo Router

Plan Name Servive Rental (N) Data Cap Validity Period SMS ActivationUSSD
Silver10,00013GB30 days15*127*11#
Gold15,00020GB30 days16*127*12#
Platinum18,00030GB30 days17*127*13#

To subscribe to any of the plans above, you may either use the USSD Code i.e dial; *127*12# on your phone's dial pad for the Gold Plan at a cost of N15,000. Or, send "16" in an SMS to 127 to subcribe to the same Gold Plan at the same cost.

To buy plans, you may also visit http://glo.hsi.com using your handset or the BOLT modem.

Cost of the Glo HSI Reuter

The Glo HSI ROUTER costs N30,000 and it comes with a 1 month of free rental (of N15,000* *)

The Glo HSI Requirements For Optimum Usability

To enjoy the best value and satisfaction from using the Glo HSI reuter, you are required to have the items listed below:

1-Glo SIM: An active Glo SIM card is required to connect the Router to the Glo High Speed Internet network.
2-Connecting Devices: A desktop or laptop PC with Ethernet or Wi- Fi capability preearably, with the specs below:

i: Operating System: Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7 and or Mac OS
ii: Screen Resolution: minimum of 800 x 600 pixel. But, preferably, 1024 X 768 pixel
iii: Internet Browser (minimum): Internet Explorer 6.0, Firefox 1.5, Safari 3.0

Activating the Glo HSI Reuter

Following the successful installation of the Glo HSI Reuter on your computer, by clicking on Self Care tab on the Glo HSI Reuter UI, you would be presented with access to predefined USSD functions from within which you can recharge your account, monitor usage, check your data and account balance amongst others.

Preferably, you can just remove your Glo SIM Card from the reuter, insert it onto another phone, ensure that you have enough credit balance to purchase your desired Glo HSI Reuter plan, and susbcribe by dialing the USSD Code for your desired Glo Reuter's HSI Plan as in the table above.


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